HSE to introduce new Health Regions

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The HSE is to undergo restructuring in 2024 as it splits into six new HSE Health Regions. The Health Regions, aims to deliver universal and integrated care for people, providing them with timely access to the care they need, when they need it.

Each Health Region will be responsible for providing both hospital and community care for the people within their respective defined geographies. This change is in line with the Sláintecare vision of an integrated health and social care service.

HSE Health Regions Implementation Plan

In July 2023, the Government approved the HSE Health Regions Implementation Plan. The Implementation Plan sets out a high-level programme of work with objectives, critical actions, and timelines to transition to the six Health Regions.

Click here to view the latest updates in relation to the progress of the plan, click here.

New HSE Health Regions Geographical Areas

Currently, the HSE is structured into six hospital groups, and nine Community Health Organisations (CHOs). Under the new structure, there will be six Health Regions who will be responsible for delivering both hospital and community care to the defined geographies, as shown below.

To learn more about the Health Regions see the HSE website here.

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